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Strange nonsense at the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (and the MPCA)

Minnesota’s Environmental Quality Board (EQB), and it’s Climate Change Subcommittee, held a meeting on June 18, 2014.

“The mission of the Environmental Quality Board is to lead Minnesota environmental policy by responding to key issues, providing appropriate review and coordination, serving as a public forum and developing long-range strategies to enhance Minnesota’s environmental quality. The Environmental Quality Board consists of a Governor’s representative (by law the board chair), nine state agency heads and five citizen members. Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 103A, 103B, 116C, 116D and 116G (Statutes and Rules of the EQB)”
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Comments on the “Minnesota Environment and Energy Report Card”

The Environmental Quality Board (EQB) solicited comments on its Report Card, developed per Gov. Dayton’s Executive Order 11-32. I sent some in, which are below, and would encourage people to send something in.  The so-called “Environmental Congress” is happening on march 15th in Bloomington (public apparently not invited). Continue Reading →

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Letter from Alan Muller to Governor Dayton

[This letter pretty much summarizes my views on what’s going in in Minnesota./am]

Alan Muller

113 W. 8th Street

Red Wing, Minnesota, 55066


 January 24, 2010

Mark Dayton, Governor of Minnesota

Office of the Governor
130 State Capitol
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155

via email

Dear Governor Dayton:

I write to express my disappointment with Executive Order 11-04, Establishing Goals and Procedures to Ensure that Certain Environmental Permits are Issued More Efficiently.1 This order is contrary to the best interests of the people and natural resources of Minnesota. Continue Reading →

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